
For general usage of plugins, refer to

Terminology and conventions

repobee-junit4 adds some additional terminology to RepoBee that you need to be familiar with to fully understand the rest of the documentation.

  • Production class: A Java file/class in the student repo (written by the student).

  • Test class: A Java file/class ending in containing tests for a namesake production class. Test classes are paired with production classes by simply appending Test to the production class name. For example, would have a test class called

  • Test directory: A directory named after a template repo, containing tests for the assignments in that repo.

  • Reference tests directory (RTD): A directory containing test directories (as defined above).

See the Example use case for a more detailed look at how all of this fits together.

CLI arguments

repobee-junit4 adds several new CLI arguments to the repos clone command.

  • --junit4-reference-tests-dir
    • Path to the RTD.

    • Can be configured

    • Required unless configured

  • --junit4-junit-path
    • Path to the JUnit4 library (any version of it, but we recommend >4.13.1).

    • Picked up automatically if on the CLASSPATH environment variable.

    • Can be configured

    • Required unless configured

  • --junit4-hamcrest-path
    • Path to the hamcrest-core-1.3.jar library.

    • Picked up automatically if on the CLASSPATH environment variable.

    • Can be configured

    • Required unless configured

  • --junit4-run-student-tests
    • Run test classes from the student repository instead of from the reference tests.

    • Expects the test classes in the reference tests directory to be present in the student repository.

      • Only runs if all tests found in the RTD are present in the student repository.

      • Use in conjunction with --junit4-ignore-tests to ignore some tests from the RTD.

  • --junit4-ignore-tests
    • A whitespace separated list of test files (e.g. to ignore.

  • --junit4-disable-security
    • Disable the security policy.

  • --junit4-verbose
    • Display more verbose information (currently only concerns test failures).

    • Long lines are truncated.

  • --junit4-very-verbose
    • Same as --junit4-verbose, but without truncation.

  • --junit4-timeout
    • The maximum amount of time a test class is allowed to run before timing out. Defaults to a sane value.

    • Can be configured

Example use case

Assume that we have a template repo called fibonacci with an assignment to implement a method that returns the n:th Fibonacci number. The template repo could then look like this:

└── src

To be able to test the students’ implementations, we write a test class and put it in our reference tests directory, in a test directory named after the template repository. The reference test directory would then look like this.

└── fibonacci


The RTD can be generated from template repositories if the complete reference tests are available on any branch, see Generating the RTD from template repositories (junit4 generate-rtd).

Now, assume that we have students ham, spam and eggs, and their student repos ham-fibonacci, spam-fibonacci and eggs-fibonacci. Assuming that the JUnit4 and Hamcrest jars have been configured as suggested in Configuration, and that the basic RepoBee arguments are configured (see the RepoBee config docs), we can run repobee clone with repobee-junit4 activated like this:

$ repobee -p junit4 \
     repos clone \
     -a fibonacci \
     -s ham spam eggs \
     --junit4-reference-tests-dir /path/to/reference_tests
hook results for spam-fibonacci

junit4: SUCCESS
Status.SUCCESS: Test class FiboTest passed!

hook results for eggs-fibonacci

junit4: ERROR
Status.ERROR: multiple production classes found for

hook results for ham-fibonacci

junit4: ERROR
Status.ERROR: Test class FiboTest failed 1 tests

[INFO] post clone hooks done


The output is color coded when displayed in a terminal.

Let’s digest what happened here. We provided the assignment name (-a fibonacci) and the reference tests directory (--junit4-reference-tests-dir /path/to/reference_tests). repobee-junit4 then looked in the test directory matching the assignment name (i.e. fibonacci) and found a test class By the naming convention, it knows that it should now look for a file called in the student repos. The following then happened when testing the repos:

  • spam-fibonacci: The production class was found and passed the test class.

  • eggs-fibonacci: Multiple files called were found, and repobee-junit4 did not know which one to use.

    • Duplicate class names are only allowed if their fully qualified names differ (i.e. the classes are in different packages). If production code is supposed to be packaged, the test classes must also be packaged (in the same package).

  • ham-fibonacci: The production class was found, but failed one of the tests.

    • Running the same command again with --junit4-verbose or --junit4-very-verbose would display which test failed, and why.

Other common causes of errors include:

  • No production class found for a test class.

  • Compile error.

  • Security policy violation.

This concludes the use case example, I hope you found it enlightening.

Generating the RTD from template repositories (junit4 generate-rtd)

This plugin comes with an auxiliary command for generating the RTD from template repositories that contain the full test suite on some branch. For example, a common setup may be to keep the version of a template that’s pushed to student repositories on the master branch, and the full solutions on a branch called solutions.


See the repobee-sanitizer plugin for assistance with maintaining a branch with complete solutions to an assignment, and one branch with the student’s version.

Given that the reference tests are present on a branch in a template repo, the junit4 generate-rtd command can be used to extract test classes from it. Assuming that the reference tests are on the solutions branch of the fibonacci template repo, and the template itself is located in the organization course-template-repos, the following command should do the trick.

$ repobee -p junit4 \
     junit4 generate-rtd \
     --assignments fibonacci \
     --junit4-reference-tests-dir /path/to/reference_tests \
     --branch solutions \
     --template-org-name course-template-repos


If you haven’t configured RepoBee for your targeted platform, the command may ask for additional options.

Assuming was present on the solutions` branch, a test directory called fibonacci should have been generated in the reference tests directory:

└── fibonacci
    └── src

To later generate test directories for other assignments, simply run the command again but with other assignments (i.e. other arguments for the --assignments option).


Although you can generate test directories for new assignments in the same RTD as you have previously generated test directories for other assignments, you can’t overwrite an existing test directory. If you need to update the tests for some assignments, first delete its corresponding test directory in the RTD.