


Once you have gone through this section, you should have:

  1. RepoBee installed

  2. A JDK (preferably 8+, 7 may work) installed

  3. junit-4.13.1.jar and hamcest-core-1.3.jar downloaded

First of all, make sure that RepoBee is installed and up-to-date. For a first-time install of RepoBee, see the RepoBee install docs.

Furthermore, a JDK must be installed. repobee-junit4 has been extensively tested with OpenJDK 8+, but should work well with JDK 7 and later. Make sure that:

  1. java is available from the command line.

  2. javac is available from the command line.

To be able to actually run test classes, you also need the JUnit4 and Hamcrest jars. They can be downloaded from Maven Central.

curl -L -o junit-4.13.1.jar
curl -L -o hamcrest-core-1.3.jar

If you don’t have curl installed, just copy the links above and download them manually.

Install plugin

To install repobee-junit4, simply use RepoBee’s plugin manager. It will guide you through the process of install the junit4 plugin.

$ repobee plugin install

Then run repobee -p junit4 repos clone -h. You should see some additional command line arguments added (such as --junit4-reference-tests-dir). See Using existing plugins for more information on how to use plugins in general, and Usage for details on this plugin.


Some options for repobee-junit4 can be configured in the RepoBee configuration file. Everything repobee-junit4 needs to operate can be provided on the command line, but we strongly recommend adding the absolute paths to the junit-4.13.1.jar and hamcrest-core-1.3.jar files to the config file. The easiest way to edit the configuration file is to run the config wizard command. Note that the junit4 plugin must be active, or the wizard won’t know to configure it. Here, we temporarily activate it with -p junit4, and select the junit4 section for editing.

$ repobee -p junit4 config wizard
Editing config file at /home/slarse/.config/repobee/config.ini
Select a section to configure:
●junit4 # make sure to select the junit4 section for editing
[ ... set your options ... ]

Here’s an example of what the config may look like after configuration.

junit4_junit_path = /absolute/path/to/junit-4.13.1.jar
junit4_hamcrest_path = /absolute/path/to/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar
junit4_reference_tests_dir = /absolute/path/to/reference_tests_dir
junit4_timeout = 5


All paths in the configuration file must be absolute to behave as expected.

See CLI arguments for a complete list of arguments that can be configured.